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Se afișează postările cu eticheta Noktys. Afișați toate postările

22 feb. 2022

The refuge of souls

 The refuge of souls


Title:The refuge of souls

size/teh: oil canvas 50x60 cm

All copyright reserved by Noktys Art House

This artwork is made as a form of visual expression of the clinical death experienced by the author ,during the period he went through the 3 difficult years of exile.It was the hardest period of existence lived by the artist, reaching the threshold of death, clinical death.

Much to tell, the author's description of the artwork of about that period is attached on the back, currently not available to the general public, being a rather fragile subject...

Otherwise, due to the title in accordance with the visual state, I think that from another perspective on the artwork, each can interpret it in a unique, personal way, probably each of us, felt in this life the need to take refuge somewhere, far away. off this world, in a place where there is still harmony between spirits and in a peaceful environment.

Info for buyers/Collectors.

This Artwork is available for sale.

But at the same time it is possible to have cheap accessible variants, open printing as a museum quality or limited edition lithograph/comolotography by the author, accompanied by a certificate of authenticity, number and registration series.

You can visit the gallery of my museum partners' store to see more of my artworks , top left on this blog at Oficial contacts, you have a direct link.If you like something from the store, no matter what, I suggest you contact me directly, if you want to pay the real price for the desired painting.

The prices of the partners are not the same as those of the author, they are their prices, their evaluations sometimes exaggerated from my point of view.

I, for example, if I sell something through them, I pay 45-65% commission only to them + VAT, promotion costs, etc., practically from what you see there I am left to say from 100% value with about 10-15% real.They earn more from my painting than I do as a creator. Plus the commissions they add to the buyers.

So look, you can see what would be available, and if you like something, and you have nothing to do with the money, you can buy through them...

Anyway, the painting from me is also distributed through them, because any marketing company has only the contract, as in a house, the real estate agent has a document with the seller, not the house itself ...

The difference is that with them you buy through their company with huge additions from a well-known best company in world.From me you buy at the author's price, usually the smallest on the market ~ by the manufacturer ~

You directly support an artist, but not marketing companies and businessmen who skin you too, but the coolest artists.

So support living artists, in life they need support to be able to create. Artists

Thank you, wish you best day!

Direct contact me: Contact list
Facebook: Here

Instagram: Here
Parthners makering shop:

5 ian. 2022

Abstract flowers

  Abstract flowers

Author: Noktys

Title:Abstract flowers

Dimensions: H135x W100 Cm - On canvas. 

Calculate in inches: H 53.15In x W 39,37 In

©All copyright reserved by Noktys Art House.

Collectors Info:
This creation is available for sale, it can also be traded on NFT currency, as original.The painting physical,is sold accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and all related data on the back.

Available for sale
NFT-Unique collection:Here
Physical paintings:Here

The two options for sales are through international art sales partners.
You should need to know that the prices there are not those of the author.but of the those companies that sell for the author, for a commission that varies from 35% to 65% from author ,if they, sell something.
There you can get an idea there about what is available, then you can contact me and personally at the addresses below to tell you the real price, of the workshop for the desired artwork.

If you assume and want to buy through the intermediary company, regardless of they comercial add, you can buy or make an offer there to partners on the site.They will contact me, and notify me by g-mail.

If you want to buy directly from me as an author, without intermediaries, you can contact me yourself, directly on one of the contacts below, to offer you the real price, author price, not marketing ...
Direct contact: Contact list
Colaborations and other info.
For cultural, or other multi-cultural collaborations,collaborations sales auction houses, museums, multinational galleries,Biennale, Art competitons, proposals art dealers or other else ,as well as for acquisition.I ask those interested to contact me in private messaging so, that I can debate more easily.
In general, for any information, in case I accidentally omitted important, by mistake, my personal contacts are attached below.
Direct contact: Contact list
Facebook: Here
Instagram: Here

1 dec. 2020

At the gates of eternity

 La porțile eternității”

Aceasta pictura este disponibila spre vanzare

Descrierea autorului:
Această pictură este o alegorie prin care încerc să ilustrez o teorie antropologică, evoluționistă, conform căreia o adevărată cunoaștere a istoriei omenirii nu este posibilă fără a corobora informații din toate domeniile de activitate ale oamenilor din toate timpurile.

În planul acestei opere de artă am reunit idei filozofice, științifice și mitologice, într-o compoziție unitară, încercând, într-un mod expresionist, să spun o poveste: povestea devenirii noastre ca ființe umane.
M-am întrebat adesea dacă Jean Jacques-Rousseau a avut dreptate când a spus că „omul este bun din fire, dar societatea îl corup”.
Într-adevăr, ne naștem ca ființe mici, vulnerabile și evoluăm din interacțiunea genomului cu factorii de mediu. Vrem, nu vrem, suntem „expulzați” la naștere într-o dimensiune necunoscută la care suntem nevoiți să ne adaptăm.Într-un fel, fiecare ființă umană reiterează la naștere mitul alungarii din paradis și purtăm în toată viața nostalgia paradisului pierdut...

Existența omului este o expediție în necunoscut. Nu îi știm nici durata, nici destinația.
Siluete, mai mult sau mai puțin solitare sau solidari, mergem în aval și ne bucurăm că oglinda apei reflectă lumina și imensitatea bolții cerești. Conștiința de sine ne însoțește și, în funcție de câtă lumină am reușit să acumulăm pe parcurs, testăm ecuația lui Albert Einstein, transformarea materiei în energie spirituală.
Martori ai spectacolului vieții, la Porțile Eternității, două entități superioare întruchipând legea echilibrului universal așteaptă ceasul judecății, pentru a-și disputa discipolii."

Descriere tehnică:
Tehnică - Ulei pe panza 100 x 100 cm .
Finalizat în anul 2020
Author - Noktys
© Copyright Reserved by Noktys Art House

At the gates of eternity"

Author's description:
This painting is an allegory through which I try to illustrate an anthropological, evolutionary theory, according to which a true knowledge of human history is not possible without corroborating information from all fields of activity of people of all times.
In the plan of this artwork I reunited philosophical, scientific and mythological ideas, in a unitary composition, trying, in an expressionist way, to tell a story: the story of our becoming as human beings.

I have often wondered if Jean Jacques-Rousseau was right when he said that "man is good by nature, but society corrupts him."
Indeed, we are born as small, vulnerable beings and evolve from the interaction of the genome with environmental factors. We want, we do not want, we are "expelled" at birth into an unknown dimension to which we are forced to adapt.
In a way, every human being reiterates at birth the myth of being banished from paradise and we carry in our whole life the nostalgia for the lost paradise ...
The existence of man is an expedition into the unknown. We know neither its duration nor its destination.

Silhouettes, more or less solitary or solidary, we go downstream and rejoice that the mirror of the water reflects the light and the immensity of the celestial vault. Self-consciousness accompanies us and, depending on how much light we have managed to accumulate along the way, we test Albert Einstein's equation, the transformation of matter into spiritual energy.
Witness to the spectacle of life, at the Gates of Eternity, two superior entities embodying the law of universal balance are waiting for the hour of judgment, to dispute their disciples."

Tehnical description:
Technique - Oil canvas 100 x 100 cm
Finished in year 2020
Author - Noktys
©  Copyright Reserved by Noktys Art House

3 oct. 2020




Descrierea autorului: RO
”Cu mijloacele specifice artei vizuale,am realizat acest tablou, în manieră realist expresionistă, dorind să pun în lumină amprenta pe care istoria a imprimat-o asupra acestei așezări.
Stiam că Sighișoara este cea mai bine păstrată așezare medievală neintrerupt locuită din Europa.
Stiam că centrul istoric al orașului a fost inclus în patrimoniul mondial al UNESCO în anul 1999.Si totuși...prima întalnire cu această locație, m-a impresionat profund.Construcțiile vechi respirau istorie.
Gândul că pe ”ulitele„ orașului și-au purtat pașii personalități politice și culturale precum: Vlad Tepes,Sandor Petofi,Johannes Brahms,Hermann Oberth,Horea Teculescu și multi alții...m-a lăsat fără grai.

Eram și eu un spirit ce abia părăsise Bucureștiul ca să dau curs chemării strămosilor mei ce aveau origini în Ardeal.
Atras de Transilvania din dorinta de a mă întoarce la rădăcini,mă aflam în periplu pe meleagurile Sighișoarei în căutarea unui cuib unde să mă asez.”

Author description: English
"With the specific means of visual art, I made this painting, in a realistic expressionist way, wanting to highlight the imprint that history has imprinted on this settlement.
We knew that Sighișoara is the best preserved uninhabited medieval settlement in Europe.
I knew that the historic center of the city was included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999. And yet ... the first meeting with this location, I was deeply impressed. The old buildings breathed history.
The thought that political and cultural personalities such as Vlad Tepes, Sandor Petofi, Johannes Brahms, Hermann Oberth, Horea Teculescu and many others were following in the footsteps of the city ... left me speechless.

I was also a spirit who had just left Bucharest to follow the call of my ancestors who had their origins in Transylvania.
Attracted by Transylvania from the desire to return to my roots, I was on a journey through the lands of Sighisoara in search of a nest to settle. ”

Tehnical description:
Technique - Oil on Plywood 87x86cm
Finished in year 2020
Author - Noktys ( Old natural name-Stoian Andrei Stefan)
©  Copyright Reserved by Noktys Art House


Author: Noktys

Dimensions:H87 x W86cm - Oil on Plywood

All copyright reserved by Noktys Art House.

Collectors Info:
This creation is available for sale, it can also be traded on NFT currency, as original, so,an unique creation.The painting is sold accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and all related data on the back.

  Xylolithographs printed available for this creation.
For this artwork are also available 50x printed xylolithographs, in limited edition, by the author.All are numbered and accompanied by the workshop certificate of the creator, with all rights reserved.Each lithograph in the edition is on canvas, in mixed sizes, at the choice of the collector.All ,at a visual quality, similar to the original.The difference is only the size, compared with the original and of course the price more easily accessible to anyone with internet access ...
The lithograph will be marked next to the signature 5/100, or what number it is from the lot.On the back, on the certificate, it will be mentioned that it is a collection lithograph and its number, similar with face painting which is noted below the signature on the painting.
At the original, there is no number, being unique and on the document on the back it is mentioned that it is the original and unique.Not lithograph of collection and number,logic.

lithograph/ Xylolithographs available dimensions

In garden
Standard size, for any normal house, apartment, or ideal gift.
Height 100Cm x Width 100Cm
Measured in Inches:
Height 39,37In x Width 39,37In.
Size for moderate rooms:
Height 120 Cm x Width 120Cm
Measured in Inches:
Height 47,24In x Width 47,24In.
The dimensions are +/- a few mm, max 1 cm. Depending on how much the cover of the canvas comes on the chassis. The same situation when measuring in inches.
If you like this creation and want to buy one lithograph of collection from limited edition.Or even the original creation,unique,or for other colaborate.For photo on the wall room with each dimesnions, prices, or other else, please contact me.
Direct contact: Contact list
Facebook: Here
Instagram: Here

4 sept. 2020

Autumn rain

 Autumn rain

Author: Noktys

Title:Autumn rain

Dimensions: H100x W100 Cm - On canvas. 

Calculate in inches: H 39,37In x W 39,37 In

©All copyright reserved by Noktys Art House.

Collectors Info:
This creation is available for sale, it can also be traded on NFT currency, as original.The painting physical,is sold accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and all related data on the back.

Available for sale
NFT-Unique collection:Here
Physical paintings:Here

The two options for sales are through international art sales partners.
You should need to know that the prices there are not those of the author.but of the those companies that sell for the author, for a commission that varies from 35% to 65% from author ,if they, sell something.
There you can get an idea there about what is available, then you can contact me and personally at the addresses below to tell you the real price, of the workshop for the desired artwork.

If you assume and want to buy through the intermediary company, regardless of they comercial add, you can buy or make an offer there to partners on the site.They will contact me, and notify me by g-mail.

If you want to buy directly from me as an author, without intermediaries, you can contact me yourself, directly on one of the contacts below, to offer you the real price, author price, not marketing ...
Direct contact: Contact list
Colaborations and other info.
For cultural, or other multi-cultural collaborations,collaborations sales auction houses, museums, multinational galleries,Biennale, Art competitons, proposals art dealers or other else ,as well as for acquisition.I ask those interested to contact me in private messaging so, that I can debate more easily.
In general, for any information, in case I accidentally omitted important, by mistake, my personal contacts are attached below.
Direct contact: Contact list
Facebook: Here
Instagram: Here

5 apr. 2020

On the wings of thought


„Pe aripi de gând”

Descrierea autorului:
„Zbor peste genuni purtați de vânt.Așa e viața omului de când vine pe lume până când sufletul se desprinde de materie și se întoarce de unde a venit.
Purtăm în noi setea de înălțimi și lumină,dar orbecăim prin întuneric și ne pierdem pe cărările junglei în care trăim.Ca o pasăre speriată ,spiritul se înalță pe aripi de gând și plutește în derivă prin nerguri și ceață, dincolo de orizonturi, pe deasupra hăurilor.
Sunt momente când ni se frâng aripile...sunt momente când obosim și ne prăbușim în picaj... sunt momente când ne-mbată zborul și libertatea înălțimilor unde nu întâlnim decât vulturii...
Trăim zburând,zburăm trăind, conștienți ca-n orice clipă e posibil să pierdem tot ce avem : Totul sau Nimic.”

Descriere tehnică:
Tehnică - Ulei -Pânză 50 x 50 cm .(cu ramă 56 x 56 cm)
Finalizat în anul 2020
Author - Stoian Andrei Stefan
© Copyright Reserved by Noktys Nokte
Disponibil spre vânzare

„On the wings of thought”

Author's description:
„Flight over the abysm carried by the wind.This is the life of the human, from the time he comes into the world until the soul is free from matter and returns from where it came.
We carry in us the thirst for heights and light, but we get lost in the darkness and lose ourselves on the paths of the jungle which we live in.
There are times when our wings are broken ... there are times when we get tired and crash diving ... there are times when we enjoy the flight and freedom of the heights where we meet only the eagles ...
We live flying, we fly living, aware that at any moment it is possible to lose everything we have: 
Everything or Nothing.”

Tehnical description:
Technique - Oil -Canvas 50 x 50 cm.(With frame 56 x 56 cm)
Finished in year 2020
Author - Stoian Andrei Stefan 
©  Copyright Reserved by Noktys Nokte
Available for sale

28 nov. 2019

Madame Butterfly

(Image from work time)
(Imagine din timpul de lucru)
 ”Doamna Fluture„
(Cio Cio San)

Descrierea autorului:

Reprezentată în premieră în 1904 pe scena Scalei din Milano,opera cu același nume de Giacomo Puccini avea să facă faimoasă povestea micuței Cio Cio San, scrisa de Martin Luther Long pe la 1898.

Sfâșietoarea poveste de iubire dintre o frumoasă gheișă cu nume de fluture Cio Cio San și americanul Benjamin Pinkerton,locotenent de marină,pune în lumină o dramă existențială născută la confluența dintre două concepții diferite de viață.

Negăsind nimic rău în ,,a dresa" acest ,, fluturaș" pentru ,,zborul cel dulce al iubirii",Pinkerton se căsătorește cu Cio Cio San , deși nu avea intenția să se stabilească în Japonia , și consideră contractul matrimonial drept un angajament temporar ca și închirierea unei case.

Cio Cio San ia însă în serios această căsătorie și jertfește tot ce are pe altarul iubirii care, în concepția ei,e un lucru sacru.In numele acestei iubiri se dezice de cultul străbunilor și este renegată de familie.

Pierderea identității etnice are adânci semnificații,marcând transformarea ei din Cio Cio San ,fluturașul din Tara Soarelui Răsare ,în Madame Butterfly.

Părăsită de soț, deși aveau împreună un copil,își dă seama de cruda realitate abia când Pinkerton se reîntoarce după o absență de trei ani în compania altei femei cu care se căsătorise în America.

Dându-și seama că a pierdut tot,Madame Butterfly își aduce aminte de mesajul scris pe pumnalul cu care tatăl ei își luase viața prin ritualul seppuku:,,Cine nu poate trăi cu cinste,trebuie sa moară cu cinste"

Inspirat de aceasta poveste tristă,tabloul ilustrează momentul dramatic în care Madame Butterfly, redevenită Cio Cio San, in dreapta tradiție niponă,decide să pună capăt unei existențe dezonorante curmandu-si singură viața cu sabia de samurai a tatălui ei.

Descriere tehnică:

Tehnică - Ulei/pfl 50 x 40 cm .
Finalizat în anul 2019
Author - Stoian Andrei Stefan
© Copyright Reserved by Noktys Art House 

"Madame Butterfly"

(Cio Cio San)

Author's description:

Represented for the first time in 1904 on the stage of La Scala in Milan, the opera of the same name by Giacomo Puccini was to make famous the story of the little Cio Cio San, written by Martin Luther Long around 1898.

The heartbreaking love story between a beautiful geisha named Cio Cio San and the American Navy lieutenant Benjamin Pinkerton sheds light on an existential drama born at the confluence of two different conceptions of life.

Finding nothing wrong in "training" this "butterfly" for the "sweet flight of love", Pinkerton marries Cio Cio San, although he did not intend to settle in Japan, and considers the marriage contract a temporary commitment,as well as renting a house.

But Cio Cio San takes this marriage seriously and sacrifices everything she has on the altar of love, which, in her conception, is a sacred thing.

In the name of this love, she renounces the cult of her ancestors and is renegaded by her family.

The loss of ethnic identity has deep meanings, marking her transformation from Cio Cio San, "the butterfly from the Land of the Rising Sun"in to Madame Butterfly.

Abandoned by her husband, although they had a child together, she realizes the cruel reality only when Pinkerton returns after a three-year absence in the company of another woman he had married in America.

Realizing that she has lost everything, Madame Butterfly remembers the message written on the dagger with which her father had taken his life through the seppuku ritual: "He who cannot live with honor must die with honor."

Inspired by this sad story, the painting illustrates the dramatic moment when Madame Butterfly, again Cio Cio San, in the right Japanese tradition, decides to end of a dishonorable existence by ending her life alone with her father's samurai sword.

Tehnical description:

Technique - Oil on Plywood 50 x 40 cm
Finished in year 2019
Author - Stoian Andrei Stefan 
©  Copyright Reserved by Noktys Art House

3 aug. 2019

Vama Veche

„Vama Veche”

Tehnical description:

Technique – Oil -Canvas 58 x 58 cm.(With frame 63 x 63cm)

Finished in year 2019

Author – Stoian Andrei Stefan

© Copyright rezervat de Noktys Art House

Available for sale

12 iun. 2019

Wandering through Transylvania

„Wandering through Transylvania”

Author: Noktys

Title:„Wandering through Transylvania” Oil on Canvas

-Hoinari prin Transilvania-ulei-Panza

Dimensions: H50 x W50 Cm - 

© All copyright reserved by Noktys Art House.

Collectors Info:

This creation is available for sale, it can also be traded on NFT currency, as original, so,an unique creation.The painting is sold accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and all related data on the back.

  Xylolithographs printed available for this creation.

For this artwork are also available 25x printed xylolithographs, in limited edition, by the author.All are numbered and accompanied by the workshop certificate of the creator, with all rights reserved.Each lithograph in the edition is on canvas, in mixed sizes, at the choice of the collector.All ,at a visual quality, similar to the original.The difference is only the size, compared with the original and of course the price more easily accessible to anyone with internet access ...

The lithograph will be marked next to the signature 5/100, or what number it is from the lot.On the back, on the certificate, it will be mentioned that it is a collection lithograph and its number, similar with face painting which is noted below the signature on the painting.

At the original, there is no number, being unique and on the document on the back it is mentioned that it is the original and unique.Not lithograph of collection and number,logic.

lithograph/ Xylolithographs available dimensions

Standard size, for any normal house, apartment, or ideal gift.
Height 60Cm x Width 60Cm
Size for moderate rooms:
Height 80 Cm x Width 80Cm
The dimensions are +/- a few mm, max 1 cm. Depending on how much the cover of the canvas comes on the chassis. The same situation when measuring in inches.
If you like this creation and want to buy one lithograph of collection from limited edition.Or even the original creation,unique,or for other colaborate.For photo on the wall room with each dimesnions, prices, or other else, please contact me.
Direct contact: Contact list
Facebook: Here
Instagram: Here

22 mar. 2019

The window of exile


”Fereastra din exil„

Descrierea autorului:

Descrierea va fi actualizata curand.

Descriere tehnică:

Tehnică - Ulei -Pânză 70 x 50 cm .(cu ramă 73 x 53 cm)

Finalizat în anul 2019

Author - Stoian Andrei Stefan

© Copyright Reserved by Noktys Nokte

Vândut-Colecţie privată

„The window of exile”

Author's description:

The description will be updated soon.

Tehnical description:

Technique - Oil -Canvas 70 x 50 cm.(With frame 73 x 53 cm)

Finished in year 2019

Author - Stoian Andrei Stefan 

©  Copyright Reserved by Noktys Nokte

Sold-Private Collection

7 feb. 2019



Tehnical description:

Technique – Oil -Canvas 58 x 58 cm.(With frame 63 x 63cm)

Author –  Noktys  ( Old ,natural name Stoian Andrei Stefan)

In masive wood , deluxe barok frame.

© Copyright rezervat de Noktys Art House

Collectors Info:
This creation is available for sale, it can also be traded on NFT currency, as original, so,an unique creation.The painting is sold accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and all related data on the back.

  Xylolithographs printed available for this creation.
For this artwork are also available 50x printed xylolithographs, in limited edition, by the author.All are numbered and accompanied by the workshop certificate of the creator, with all rights reserved.Each lithograph in the edition is on canvas, in mixed sizes, at the choice of the collector.All ,at a visual quality, similar to the original.The difference is only the size, compared with the original and of course the price more easily accessible to anyone with internet access ...
The lithograph will be marked next to the signature 5/100, or what number it is from the lot.On the back, on the certificate, it will be mentioned that it is a collection lithograph and its number, similar with face painting which is noted below the signature on the painting.
At the original, there is no number, being unique and on the document on the back it is mentioned that it is the original and unique.Not lithograph of collection and number,logic.
lithograph/ Xylolithographs available dimensions

Standard size, for any normal house, apartment, or ideal gift.
Height 60Cm x Width 60Cm
Size for moderate rooms:
Height 100 Cm x Width 100Cm

The dimensions are +/- a few mm, max 1 cm. Depending on how much the cover of the canvas comes on the chassis. The same situation when measuring in inches.

If you like this creation and want to buy one lithograph of collection from limited edition.Or even the original creation,unique,or for other colaborate.For photo on the wall room with each dimesnions, prices, or other else, please contact me.
Direct contact: Contact list
Facebook: Here
Instagram: Here

Zoom 1

Zoom 2

Photo from profile 

Photo from corner

In garden

30 nov. 2018

Centenar 100 Aniversary

”Centenar 100 Aniversary„
1918-2018 România
La mulți ani, România!  La mulți ani, români!

Descrierea autorului:

Acum 100 de ani, la Alba Iulia, Marea Adunare Națională Română formată din 1228 de deputați, în prezența unei mulțimi de peste 100000 de oameni veniți din toate colțurile Transilvaniei, Banatului, Crișanei și Maramureșului a decretat actul Unirii.

Unirea Transilvaniei cu România a marcat un moment important în procesul realizării statului național unitar român.

Privind retrospectiv, nu putem să nu ne dăm seama de un adevăr probat în timp:în momentele de mare cumpană românii au știut întotdeauna să facă front comun pentru a trece impasul.

În Primul razboi mondial, când România era aproape ocupată de Puterile Centrale, deviza era:"Pe aici nu se trece!" La Mărăsti, Mărășești și Oituz s-au jertfit 27000 de români pentru a apăra ce mai rămăsese neocupat din țară. La trecători și în sud, ostașii români au oprit cu piepturile lor  înaintarea forțelor inamice și peste ei nu s-a trecut chiar cu prețul vieții.

Tot astfel, la 1918,simțindu-se încolțiți de marile puteri între care erau așezați geografic, românii de dincolo și de dincoace de Carpați și-au dat mâna, făurind un singur stat România. În căruțe, cu trenul ori pe jos, românii din Ardeal, Banat, Maramureș ori Crișana și-au exprimat hotărât dorința de a se uni cu frații de peste Carpați.

Marșul militar "Treceți batalioane române Carpații" le-a insuflat curaj românilor nu doar în Primul razboi mondial, ci și în al doilea când, în iunie 1941, militarii români au plecat la luptă să elibereze Ardealul.

Cu aceste gânduri, cu sufletul plin de respect pentru toți acești eroi, am realizat această lucrare.

Acum, la ceas aniversar de centenar, privesc spre trecut cu înalte sentimente patriotice și spre viitor cu speranța, dorind ca această lucrare sa fie perceputa ca un îndemn la solidaritate, la Unire în cuget și simțiri.

Această lucrare , astăzi 30.11.2018, este compania mea în drumul de peste 500km ,către Alba Iulia.

La mulți ani, România!  La mulți ani, români!

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