1 dec. 2020

At the gates of eternity

 La porțile eternității”

Aceasta pictura este disponibila spre vanzare

Descrierea autorului:
Această pictură este o alegorie prin care încerc să ilustrez o teorie antropologică, evoluționistă, conform căreia o adevărată cunoaștere a istoriei omenirii nu este posibilă fără a corobora informații din toate domeniile de activitate ale oamenilor din toate timpurile.

În planul acestei opere de artă am reunit idei filozofice, științifice și mitologice, într-o compoziție unitară, încercând, într-un mod expresionist, să spun o poveste: povestea devenirii noastre ca ființe umane.
M-am întrebat adesea dacă Jean Jacques-Rousseau a avut dreptate când a spus că „omul este bun din fire, dar societatea îl corup”.
Într-adevăr, ne naștem ca ființe mici, vulnerabile și evoluăm din interacțiunea genomului cu factorii de mediu. Vrem, nu vrem, suntem „expulzați” la naștere într-o dimensiune necunoscută la care suntem nevoiți să ne adaptăm.Într-un fel, fiecare ființă umană reiterează la naștere mitul alungarii din paradis și purtăm în toată viața nostalgia paradisului pierdut...

Existența omului este o expediție în necunoscut. Nu îi știm nici durata, nici destinația.
Siluete, mai mult sau mai puțin solitare sau solidari, mergem în aval și ne bucurăm că oglinda apei reflectă lumina și imensitatea bolții cerești. Conștiința de sine ne însoțește și, în funcție de câtă lumină am reușit să acumulăm pe parcurs, testăm ecuația lui Albert Einstein, transformarea materiei în energie spirituală.
Martori ai spectacolului vieții, la Porțile Eternității, două entități superioare întruchipând legea echilibrului universal așteaptă ceasul judecății, pentru a-și disputa discipolii."

Descriere tehnică:
Tehnică - Ulei pe panza 100 x 100 cm .
Finalizat în anul 2020
Author - Noktys
© Copyright Reserved by Noktys Art House

At the gates of eternity"

Author's description:
This painting is an allegory through which I try to illustrate an anthropological, evolutionary theory, according to which a true knowledge of human history is not possible without corroborating information from all fields of activity of people of all times.
In the plan of this artwork I reunited philosophical, scientific and mythological ideas, in a unitary composition, trying, in an expressionist way, to tell a story: the story of our becoming as human beings.

I have often wondered if Jean Jacques-Rousseau was right when he said that "man is good by nature, but society corrupts him."
Indeed, we are born as small, vulnerable beings and evolve from the interaction of the genome with environmental factors. We want, we do not want, we are "expelled" at birth into an unknown dimension to which we are forced to adapt.
In a way, every human being reiterates at birth the myth of being banished from paradise and we carry in our whole life the nostalgia for the lost paradise ...
The existence of man is an expedition into the unknown. We know neither its duration nor its destination.

Silhouettes, more or less solitary or solidary, we go downstream and rejoice that the mirror of the water reflects the light and the immensity of the celestial vault. Self-consciousness accompanies us and, depending on how much light we have managed to accumulate along the way, we test Albert Einstein's equation, the transformation of matter into spiritual energy.
Witness to the spectacle of life, at the Gates of Eternity, two superior entities embodying the law of universal balance are waiting for the hour of judgment, to dispute their disciples."

Tehnical description:
Technique - Oil canvas 100 x 100 cm
Finished in year 2020
Author - Noktys
©  Copyright Reserved by Noktys Art House

30 oct. 2020

Expression of Pain


Expression of Pain

Title:Expression of Pain

Dimensions: H100x W100Cm

Oil painting on Canvas 

All copyright reserved by Noktys Art House.

Author's description:

"This artwork combines several hypostases of suffering, pain, moods, experiences, transitions of any person.

The artwork illustrates both physical and mental pain, deep states, anxiety, despair and visible and invisible pain, even some that we often experience each of us sometimes through the paths of life ... but we fail to express them in words.

The artwork was done right after going through some personal life experiences, so sometimes I didn't even manage to translate into words even a doctor so that he could understand something concrete.

The last personal experience was the so-called "Trigeminal neuralgia" a condition caused by currents, documenting this problem, I found out that it is one of the 5 most unbearable pains a person can experience in a lifetime. .

There were nights in a row that I endured until almost fainting, the final alert to reach the emergency room, the first sensations and the most common especially at night are in the head area, you have the feeling that you have no skin on your head, someone cuts you with a scalpel slices of live meat, then stick hot spears and twist them in the eyes, head, jaw, ears. Even now I could not describe even the most classic conditions of this damn condition that I had no idea existed until I got treatment with morphine.

Thus, it was the point where I said last night to endure those infernal states until I reached the doctor after 3 sleepless nights. If my heart doesn't crack, some heart attack by this morning from this torture, after I escape I'll try to translate visually.

Probably Visual art still has a very important place in our lives, I never thought that beyond the vocation I was born with, I will be able to explain most clearly only in this way a problem ... through this nonverbal language, but universal, painting.

The canvas of course illustrates several hypostases of pain, from various personal problems, but "Trigemen's Neuralgia" put a lid on me. stay wet from the rain, or then sweat in a stream or a place with a lot of current or wind, better to prevent than to combat such misfortune. There is no "I do not suffer" is not playful, the current is the most dangerous vibration in this life, a vibration that you do not see and do not control, but you feel it the hardest and so, according to my description but also rheumatism, sinusitis or other problems that can be caused by the current.

It is probably a work in which many people find themselves from different life experiences, so I think that beyond the work as a museum piece or collection, having the history of my own experience at the base, could be an ideal setting in a hospital, medical school or even a medical salon, such as dentistry, psychiatry or other branches of medicine, but in a large hospital it would be even better, being in accordance with the place, in a reception room or on a salon something, it can be a setting that will make people in a waiting room, for example, understand where they can end up if they go to the doctor at the last minute ... ”

Collectors Info:

This creation is available for sale, it can also be traded on NFT currency, as original, so,an unique creation.The painting is sold accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and all related data on the back.

lithograph/ Chromolithography available

If you like this creation and want to buy one lithograph of collection from limited edition.Or even the original creation,unique,or for other colaborate.For photo on the wall room with each dimesnions, prices, or other else, please contact me.
Direct contact: Contact list
Facebook: Here
Instagram: Here

3 oct. 2020




Descrierea autorului: RO
”Cu mijloacele specifice artei vizuale,am realizat acest tablou, în manieră realist expresionistă, dorind să pun în lumină amprenta pe care istoria a imprimat-o asupra acestei așezări.
Stiam că Sighișoara este cea mai bine păstrată așezare medievală neintrerupt locuită din Europa.
Stiam că centrul istoric al orașului a fost inclus în patrimoniul mondial al UNESCO în anul 1999.Si totuși...prima întalnire cu această locație, m-a impresionat profund.Construcțiile vechi respirau istorie.
Gândul că pe ”ulitele„ orașului și-au purtat pașii personalități politice și culturale precum: Vlad Tepes,Sandor Petofi,Johannes Brahms,Hermann Oberth,Horea Teculescu și multi alții...m-a lăsat fără grai.

Eram și eu un spirit ce abia părăsise Bucureștiul ca să dau curs chemării strămosilor mei ce aveau origini în Ardeal.
Atras de Transilvania din dorinta de a mă întoarce la rădăcini,mă aflam în periplu pe meleagurile Sighișoarei în căutarea unui cuib unde să mă asez.”

Author description: English
"With the specific means of visual art, I made this painting, in a realistic expressionist way, wanting to highlight the imprint that history has imprinted on this settlement.
We knew that Sighișoara is the best preserved uninhabited medieval settlement in Europe.
I knew that the historic center of the city was included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999. And yet ... the first meeting with this location, I was deeply impressed. The old buildings breathed history.
The thought that political and cultural personalities such as Vlad Tepes, Sandor Petofi, Johannes Brahms, Hermann Oberth, Horea Teculescu and many others were following in the footsteps of the city ... left me speechless.

I was also a spirit who had just left Bucharest to follow the call of my ancestors who had their origins in Transylvania.
Attracted by Transylvania from the desire to return to my roots, I was on a journey through the lands of Sighisoara in search of a nest to settle. ”

Tehnical description:
Technique - Oil on Plywood 87x86cm
Finished in year 2020
Author - Noktys ( Old natural name-Stoian Andrei Stefan)
©  Copyright Reserved by Noktys Art House


Author: Noktys

Dimensions:H87 x W86cm - Oil on Plywood

All copyright reserved by Noktys Art House.

Collectors Info:
This creation is available for sale, it can also be traded on NFT currency, as original, so,an unique creation.The painting is sold accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and all related data on the back.

  Xylolithographs printed available for this creation.
For this artwork are also available 50x printed xylolithographs, in limited edition, by the author.All are numbered and accompanied by the workshop certificate of the creator, with all rights reserved.Each lithograph in the edition is on canvas, in mixed sizes, at the choice of the collector.All ,at a visual quality, similar to the original.The difference is only the size, compared with the original and of course the price more easily accessible to anyone with internet access ...
The lithograph will be marked next to the signature 5/100, or what number it is from the lot.On the back, on the certificate, it will be mentioned that it is a collection lithograph and its number, similar with face painting which is noted below the signature on the painting.
At the original, there is no number, being unique and on the document on the back it is mentioned that it is the original and unique.Not lithograph of collection and number,logic.

lithograph/ Xylolithographs available dimensions

In garden
Standard size, for any normal house, apartment, or ideal gift.
Height 100Cm x Width 100Cm
Measured in Inches:
Height 39,37In x Width 39,37In.
Size for moderate rooms:
Height 120 Cm x Width 120Cm
Measured in Inches:
Height 47,24In x Width 47,24In.
The dimensions are +/- a few mm, max 1 cm. Depending on how much the cover of the canvas comes on the chassis. The same situation when measuring in inches.
If you like this creation and want to buy one lithograph of collection from limited edition.Or even the original creation,unique,or for other colaborate.For photo on the wall room with each dimesnions, prices, or other else, please contact me.
Direct contact: Contact list
Facebook: Here
Instagram: Here

4 sept. 2020

Autumn rain

 Autumn rain

Author: Noktys

Title:Autumn rain

Dimensions: H100x W100 Cm - On canvas. 

Calculate in inches: H 39,37In x W 39,37 In

©All copyright reserved by Noktys Art House.

Collectors Info:
This creation is available for sale, it can also be traded on NFT currency, as original.The painting physical,is sold accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and all related data on the back.

Available for sale
NFT-Unique collection:Here
Physical paintings:Here

The two options for sales are through international art sales partners.
You should need to know that the prices there are not those of the author.but of the those companies that sell for the author, for a commission that varies from 35% to 65% from author ,if they, sell something.
There you can get an idea there about what is available, then you can contact me and personally at the addresses below to tell you the real price, of the workshop for the desired artwork.

If you assume and want to buy through the intermediary company, regardless of they comercial add, you can buy or make an offer there to partners on the site.They will contact me, and notify me by g-mail.

If you want to buy directly from me as an author, without intermediaries, you can contact me yourself, directly on one of the contacts below, to offer you the real price, author price, not marketing ...
Direct contact: Contact list
Colaborations and other info.
For cultural, or other multi-cultural collaborations,collaborations sales auction houses, museums, multinational galleries,Biennale, Art competitons, proposals art dealers or other else ,as well as for acquisition.I ask those interested to contact me in private messaging so, that I can debate more easily.
In general, for any information, in case I accidentally omitted important, by mistake, my personal contacts are attached below.
Direct contact: Contact list
Facebook: Here
Instagram: Here

22 aug. 2020

The Soul of Twilight


Sufletul amurgului

Descrierea autorului:

"În această lumină lină, suavă, palidă și profundă, am simțit cum spiritul meu se înalță, contopindu-se cu razele blânde ce se strecoară prin frunzișul pădurii. Pare că însăși această lumină paradisiacă are o suflare, precum o șoaptă caldă, o promisiune nerostită de liniște și visare.Amurgul își pregătește plecarea, lăsând loc unui cer tăcut, înstelat și plin de mister, ce își va întinde mantia peste această lume scăldată în frumusețea ultimelor clipe ale zilei.

Vegetația fremătândă, densă și vibrantă, îmi învăluie simțurile într-o îmbrățișare tandră, asemenea unui cântec uitat al naturii. Fiecare frunză murmură povești demult apuse, fiecare ramură poartă în ea ecoul unui vis neterminat, iar trilurile nevăzute ale păsărilor par să fie ultimele cuvinte ale zilei ce apune într-o padure transilvană.

Mă regăsesc aici, în inima acestui colț de lume neatins, în sanctuarul tăcerii, unde timpul își încetinește pașii, unde nimic nu cere, nimic nu strivește, nimic nu rănește. Întrebările care mă chinuiau în tumultul orașului par deodată lipsite de însemnătate. De ce ne căutăm refugiul în betoane și zgomote, când adevărata noastră casă a fost mereu aici, printre copaci, sub cerul nesfârșit, pe cărările ce duc spre nicăieri și pretutindeni?

Și totuși, dacă aceste clipe sunt menite să fie efemere, ce altceva îmi rămâne decât să le imortalizez, să le prind într-un colț de pânză, să le ferec într-un joc de culoare și lumină? Această pictură nu este doar un peisaj, ci o amintire a stării mele, a dorului meu, a acelei fericiri pure pe care doar natura o poate dărui fără să ceară nimic în schimb. Și, poate, privind-o, cineva, undeva, va recunoaște în ea propriul său vis, propria sa nostalgie, propriul său refugiu… și astfel, momentul va deveni etern.

Astfel, prin această pictură, transform momentul într-o amintire vie și îl împărtășesc cu voi, oferindu-vă ocazia să îl simțiți și să îl trăiți la rândul vostru.Sper ca aceste trăiri și gânduri profunde să rezoneze în sufletele celor ce vor descoperi acest tablou, să vibreze în interiorul lor așa cum le-am simțit eu în timpul creației – dacă nu la fel, măcar într-un ecou al emoțiilor care au dat naștere acestei picturi."

Detalii tehnice

  • Titlu: Sufletul Amurgului
  • Autor: S.Andrei alias Noktys
  • Dimensiuni: 100x150m
  • Tehnică: Ulei pe pânză
  • Anul finalizării: 2020
  • Colecția: Anotimpuri -Ciclul "Povestea Primăverii"(inclusă în catalog) 


  • Status: Disponibil

Variante disponibile:

  • Unicat:  Disponibil 👉Aici 
  • Canvas printing: Disponibil- 👉Aici 
  • (dimensiunile pot fi personalizate)
  • Ediție limitată: Disponibil 50/50 Exemplare la nivel mondial.Seria I👉Aici 
  • (dimensiunile pot fi personalizate)
  • NFT: 
  • Noktys Rarible :👉Aici 
  • Noktys Open Sea:👉 Aici

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  • Pentru orice informație, colaborări sau achiziții, nu ezitați să mă contactați!
    Sunt aici pentru a răspunde întrebărilor dumneavoastră și pentru a discuta idei interesante.
  • 👉Contactați-ma Aici


© All Copyright reserved by Noktys Art House

The Soul of Twilight

Author's description:
In this soft, gentle, pale and deep light, I felt my spirit rise, merging with the gentle rays that filter through the forest foliage. It seems that this paradisiacal light itself has a breath, like a warm whisper, an unspoken promise of peace and dreaming. Dusk prepares its departure, leaving room for a silent, starry and mysterious sky, which will spread its cloak over this world bathed in the beauty of the last moments of the day.

The quivering, dense and vibrant vegetation envelops my senses in a tender embrace, like a forgotten song of nature. Each leaf murmurs long-lost stories, each branch carries within it the echo of an unfinished dream, and the unseen trills of birds seem to be the last words of the day that sets in a Transylvanian forest.
I find myself here, in the heart of this untouched corner of the world, in the sanctuary of silence, where time slows down, where nothing demands, nothing crushes, nothing hurts. The questions that tormented me in the tumult of the city suddenly seem meaningless. Why do we seek refuge in concrete and noise, when our true home has always been here, among the trees, under the endless sky, on the paths that lead to nowhere and everywhere?

And yet, if these moments are meant to be ephemeral, what else is left for me but to immortalize them, to catch them in a corner of canvas, to enclose them in a play of color and light? This painting is not just a landscape, but a memory of my state, of my longing, of that pure happiness that only nature can give without asking for anything in return. And, perhaps, looking at it, someone, somewhere, will recognize in it their own dream, their own nostalgia, their own refuge… and thus, the moment will become eternal.

Thus, through this painting, I transform the moment into a living memory and share it with you, giving you the opportunity to feel it and live it for yourself. I hope that these deep feelings and thoughts will resonate in the souls of those who will discover this painting, to vibrate within them as I felt them during its creation – if not in the same way, at least in an echo of the emotions that gave birth to this painting.
Technical details:
  • Title:The Soul of Twilight
  • Author: S.Andrei alias Noktys
  • Dimensions: 100x150m
  • TechniqueOil on Canvas
  • Finished in year: 2020
  • Collection: Seasons - "The Story of Spring" Cycle (included in the catalog)
  • Status: Available
Available variants:
  • Unique: Available 👉 Here
  • Canvas printing: Available 👉 Here 
  • (dimensions can be customized)
  • Limited edition: Available 50/50 pieces at worldwide. Series I 👉Here 
  • (dimensions can be customized)
  • NFT: 
  • Noktys Rarible :👉 Here
  • Noktys Open Sea:👉  Here
If you like this blog, you can subscribe on the right side of this blog, you can also share what you like with your friends on social media by sharing the article.
  • For any information, collaborations or purchases, do not hesitate to contact me!
  • I am here to answer your questions and discuss interesting ideas.
  • 👉 Contact me here

2 aug. 2020

Spring Sunset


Apus de primăvară 

Descrierea autorului:

"Cândva colindam dealurile Transilvaniei în căutarea unui loc unde timpul să pară că s-a oprit. Căutam o casă, dar, mai presus de toate, căutam un colț de lume unde natura să fie stăpână, unde pădurile să murmure povești și vântul să îmi șoptească taine uitate.

Drumul meu m-a purtat printre coline sălbatice, iar seara m-a prins în mijlocul unui apus pe care niciun cuvânt nu-l poate cuprinde. Cerul părea să ardă, avea în el ceva electrizant, parcă era scăldat într-un tumult de aur topit și roșu aprins, îmbrățișând pământul cu ultimele raze ale soarelui. Norii, învolburați ca gândurile mele, pluteau peste siluetele întunecate ale copacilor, ca niște umbre ce veghează această lume uitată.

Știam că locul acela nu exista cu adevărat, cel puțin nu așa cum îl vedeam eu atunci. Era un amestec de amintiri și vis, de dorință și realitate distorsionată de lumină. Și totuși, în acel moment, sub cerul de foc al primăverii transilvane, mi-am simțit sufletul Acasă."

Detalii tehnice

  • Titlu: Apus de primăvară 
  • Autor: S.Andrei alias Noktys
  • Dimensiuni: 50x100m
  • Tehnică: Ulei pe pânză
  • Anul finalizării: 2020
  • Colecția: Anotimpuri -Ciclul "Povestea Primăverii"(inclusă în catalog) 


  • Status: Disponibil

Variante disponibile:

  • Unicat:  Disponibil 👉Aici 
  • Canvas printing: Disponibil- 👉Aici 
  • (dimensiunile pot fi personalizate)
  • Ediție limitată: Disponibil 50/50 Exemplare la nivel mondial.Seria I👉Aici 
  • (dimensiunile pot fi personalizate)
  • NFT: 
  • Noktys Rarible :👉Aici 
  • Noktys Open Sea:👉 Aici

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  • Pentru orice informație, colaborări sau achiziții, nu ezitați să mă contactați!
    Sunt aici pentru a răspunde întrebărilor dumneavoastră și pentru a discuta idei interesante.
  • 👉Contactați-ma Aici


© All Copyright reserved by Noktys Art House

Spring Sunset

Author's description:
I once roamed the hills of Transylvania in search of a place where time seemed to stand still. I was looking for a house, but above all, I was looking for a corner of the world where nature would be the master, where the forests would murmur stories and the wind would whisper forgotten secrets to me.

My path took me through wild hills, and in the evening it caught me in the middle of a sunset that no words can capture. The sky seemed to burn, it had something electrifying about it, as if it was bathed in a tumult of molten gold and bright red, embracing the earth with the last rays of the sun. The clouds, swirling like my thoughts, floated over the dark silhouettes of the trees, like shadows watching over this forgotten world.

I knew that that place didn't really exist, at least not as I saw it then. It was a mixture of memories and dreams, of desire and reality distorted by light. And yet, in that moment, under the fiery sky of the Transylvanian spring, I felt my soul at home.
Technical details:
  • Title:Spring Sunset
  • Author: S.Andrei alias Noktys
  • Dimensions: 50x100m
  • TechniqueOil on Canvas
  • Finished in year: 2020
  • Collection: Seasons - "The Story of Spring" Cycle (included in the catalog)
  • Status: Available
Available variants:
  • Unique: Available 👉 Here
  • Canvas printing: Available 👉 Here 
  • (dimensions can be customized)
  • Limited edition: Available 50/50 pieces at worldwide. Series I 👉Here 
  • (dimensions can be customized)
  • NFT: 
  • Noktys Rarible :👉 Here
  • Noktys Open Sea:👉  Here
If you like this blog, you can subscribe on the right side of this blog, you can also share what you like with your friends on social media by sharing the article.
  • For any information, collaborations or purchases, do not hesitate to contact me!
  • I am here to answer your questions and discuss interesting ideas.
  • 👉 Contact me here

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