15 sept. 2013

Greek Islands

”Greek Islands „

Tehnical description:

Title:”Greek Islands „

Author: Noktys

Dimensions: H175 x W175 Cm - On canvas.

Calculate in inches: H68,90 In x W68,90 In

All copyright reserved by Noktys Art House.

 Collectors Info:

This creation is available for sale, it can also be traded on NFT currency, as original, so,an unique creation.The painting is sold accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and all related data on the back.

  Xylolithographs printed available for this creation.

For this artwork are also available 60x printed xylolithographs, in limited edition, by the author.All are numbered and accompanied by the workshop certificate of the creator, with all rights reserved.Each lithograph in the edition is on canvas, in mixed sizes, at the choice of the collector.All ,at a visual quality, similar to the original.The difference is only the size, compared with the original and of course the price more easily accessible to anyone with internet access ...

The lithograph will be marked next to the signature 5/100, or what number it is from the lot.On the back, on the certificate, it will be mentioned that it is a collection lithograph and its number, similar with face painting which is noted below the signature on the painting.

At the original, there is no number, being unique and on the document on the back it is mentioned that it is the original and unique.Not lithograph of collection and number,logic.

lithograph/ Xylolithographs available dimensions

On wall

Standard size, for any normal house, apartment, or ideal gift.

Height 65Cm x Width 65Cm

Measured in Inches:

Height 25,59In x Width 25,59In.

Size for moderate rooms:

Height 100Cm x Width 100Cm

Measured in Inches:

Height 39,37In x Width 39,37In.

Large room size:

Height 135 cm x width 135 cm

Measured in Inches:

Height 53,15 In x Width 53,15 In.

The dimensions are +/- a few mm, max 1 cm. Depending on how much the cover of the canvas comes on the chassis. The same situation when measuring in inches.

If you like this creation and want to buy one lithograph of collection from limited edition.Or even the original creation,unique,or for other colaborate.For photo on the wall room with each dimesnions, prices, or other else, please contact me.

Direct contact: Contact list

Facebook: Here

Instagram: Here

18 iul. 2013

The Natural Healers

Descrierea autorului:
„Într-o lume aflată sub semnul hedonismului,ce cultivă plăcerile atât sub aspectul vieții,cât și al luxului funerar,viziunea pe care o propune acest tablou devine o chemare pentru restabilirea legăturilor primordiale cu natura.

Mutatis mutandis,acest lucru presupune schimbarea cadrului axiologic ,descinderea din lumea pragmatică a așa-zisei civilizații ,într-o lume a valorilor perene.
Cele două personaje din compoziția lucrării sunt ființe de pământ,apă,aer și foc,surprinse în ipostaza de căutători ai unor resurse de vindecare și regenerare fizică și spirituală.
Pământul,în cumințenia lui,induce stabilitate interioară ființelor care îi cer protecție,simbolistica lui fiind asociată în toate credințele lumii cu ideea de spirit matern.El dă forma ,hrănește,ocrotește și reciclează materia din care este alcătuită ființa umană.

Arta de a trăi frumos...presupune însă depașirea condiției de ființă efemeră limitată la funcțiile de bază.Nu suntem doar ființe de pământ,ci și de aer.Orizontul nostru de cunoaștere ne definește calitatea spirituală și ne ajută să ne raportăm la realitate dintr-o perspectivă mai înaltă.
Ca materie suntem ceea ce mâncăm,ca mental,ceea ce gândim,iar ca spirit, ceea ce simțim cu intensitate.

Omul,ca ființă de apă și foc ,este un flux de fluide în care se petrece miracolul transformării materiei lipsite de viață în energie vitală.
Reîntoarcerea la natura  pentru care militează acest tablou este un drum itinerant ,echivalent cu descinderea înțeleptului Zarathustra printre oameni pentru a-i învața că doar prin voința proprie sunt posibile autodepasirea, la nivel individual ,și progresul,la nivel colectiv.

"Așa grăit-a Zarathustra" lui Nietzsche, prefigurând apariția omului modern,hedonist,suficient sieși.
Dar...într-o lume fără valori morale în care fiecare se crede artizan al propriului destin,în competiție acerba cu semenii pentru reușita în viață, nu poți să nu te întrebi ca artist-filozof sau filozof-artist: Quo vadis,Domine?

Descriere tehnică:
Tehnică - Ulei -H.p.placaj 30 x 40 cm .(cu ramă 36 x 46 cm)
Finalizat în anul 2013
Author - Stoian Andrei Stefan
Această lucrare provine din colecția "
Mistere și enigme la granița cunoașterii"
© Copyright Reserved by Noktys Nokte

„The Natural Healers”

Author's description:
In a world under the sign of hedonism, which cultivates pleasures both in terms of life and funeral luxury, the vision that this painting proposes becomes a call for the restoration of primordial bonds with nature.

Mutatis mutandis, this means changing the axiological framework, descending from the pragmatic world of the so-called civilization into a world of perennial values.
The two characters in the composition of the work are beings of earth, water, air and fire, caught in the search for resources of healing and physical and spiritual regeneration.
The earth, in its affection, induces inner stability to the beings who ask for protection, its symbolism being associated in all the world's beliefs with the idea of ​​the maternal spirit. It gives shape, nourishes, protects and recycles the matter from which the human being is made.

The art of living beautifully... presupposes, however, the overcoming of the condition of the ephemeral being limited to the basic functions. We are not only beings of earth but also of air. Our horizon of knowledge defines our spiritual quality and helps us relate to reality from a  higher perspective.
As matter,we are what we eat,mentally,we are what we think and ,as a spirit,we are what we feel intensely.

Man, as a being of water and fire, is a flow of fluid in which the miracle of transformation of lifeless matter into vital energy occurs.
The return to the nature for which this painting militates is an itinerant journey ,equivalent to the descent of the wise Zarathustra among people in order to teach them that it is possible only by their own will the self -perfection,on an individual level ,and the  progress on the collective level.

"That's how Zarathustra spoke" to Nietzsche,prefiguring the appearance of the modern,hedonistic man,self-sufficient.
But...in a world without moral values in which everybody thinks to be the artisan of his own destiny,in fierce competition with his fellow men for the success of his life,you can't stop  asking yourself as an artist - philosopher or  as a philosopher-artist:Quo vadis,Domine?"

Tehnical description:
Technique - Oil -l.o cardboard 30 x 40 cm.(With frame 36 x 46 cm)
Finished in year 2013
Author - Stoian Andrei Stefan
This artwork comes from the "Mysteries and enigmas at the frontier of knowledge" Collection.
©  Copyright Reserved by Noktys Nokte

9 mar. 2013

The sea wall Olymp Costinești

„Faleza Olymp Costinești”
Descrierea autorului:
Concepută ca o fantezie marină,lucrarea este o invitație la evadarea din cadrul strâmt al unei existențe banale,fie ea la nivel terestru ori acvatic.
Personajele,îmbrăcate uniform în roșu, sunt tipare comune,conformiste,mulțumite de traiul cotidian și de oportunitățile oferite de viața ca o vacanță scurtă.

Faleza nu este o soluție pentru drumul ascendent al spiritului uman.Ea este doar un miraj,o soluție de moment pentru o perspectivă mai bună.
Intr-un joc de culori și forme, am încercat să sugerez că adevăratul drum al omului pe pământ nu pendulează pe orizontală,între sferele de interes ale momentului.,ci ascendent,spre Olimpul aspirațiilor..."

Descriere tehnică:
Tehnică - Ulei -H.p.placaj 27 x 37 cm .(cu ramă 33 x 43 cm)
Finalizat în anul 2013
Author - Stoian Andrei Stefan
Această lucrare provine din colecția "Paradisul pierdut
© Copyright Reserved by Noktys Nokte

„The sea wall Olymp Costinesti”

Author's description:
Conceived as a marine fantasy,the work is an invitation  to escape from the strait frame of  a banal existence,be it at land or aquatic level
The characters,uniformly dressed in red,are common,conformist patterns, contented with everyday living and the opportunities offered by the life as a short holiday.

The sea -wall is not a solution for the ascendant path of the human spirit.It is just a mirage,a solution to the moment for a better perspective.

In a play of colors and shapes,I tried to suggest that the real way of a man on earth should not oscillate horizontally,between the spheres of interests of the moment,but ascendantly to the Olymp of aspirations."

Tehnical description:
Technique - Oil -l.o cardboard 27 x 37 cm.(With frame 33 x 43 cm)
Finished in year 2013
Author - Stoian Andrei Stefan
This artwork comes from the "Paradise lost" Collection.
©  Copyright Reserved by Noktys Nokte

1 mar. 2013

Mesozoic Relics


”Mesozoic Relics„

Tehnical description:
Title:”Mesozoic Relics„
Author: Noktys
Dimensions H100 x W150 Cm
Calculate in inches: H42 In x W65In
All copyright reserved by Noktys Art House.

 Collectors Info

This creation is available for sale, it can also be traded on NFT currency, as original, so,an unique creation.The painting is sold accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and all related data on the back.

  Xylolithographs printed available for this creation.

For this artwork are also available 50 x printed xylolithographs, in limited edition, by the author.All are numbered and accompanied by the workshop certificate of the creator, with all rights reserved.Each lithograph in the edition is on canvas, in mixed sizes, at the choice of the collector.All ,at a visual quality, similar to the original.The difference is only the size, compared with the original and of course the price more easily accessible to anyone with internet access ...

The lithograph will be marked next to the signature 5/100, or what number it is from the lot.On the back, on the certificate, it will be mentioned that it is a collection lithograph and its number, similar with face painting which is noted below the signature on the painting.

At the original, there is no number, being unique and on the document on the back it is mentioned that it is the original and unique.Not lithograph of collection and number,logic.

lithograph/ Xylolithographs available dimensions
On Wall

Standard size, for any normal house, apartment, or ideal gift.
Height 75Cm x Width 45Cm
Measured in Inches:
Height18,33In x Width 30,55In.

Size for moderate rooms:
Height 90Cm x Width 50Cm
Measured in Inches:
Height 22,40 In x Width 36,66In.

Large room size:
Height 80 cm x width 130 cm
Measured in Inches:
Height 31,50 In x Width 51,18 In.

The dimensions are +/- a few mm, max 1 cm. Depending on how much the cover of the canvas comes on the chassis. The same situation when measuring in inches.

If you like this creation and want to buy one lithograph of collection from limited edition.Or even the original creation,unique,or for other colaborate.For photo on the wall room with each dimesnions, prices, or other else, please contact me.

Direct contact: Contact list

Facebook: Here

Instagram: Here

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